Three different types of collections in Apex.
  1. List
  2. Set
  3. Map
  • List: List simply called collection of duplicate values and which contains Integer indexed data.
    • Create new LIST.
      • List<String> myList = new List<String>();
    • Add into LIST.
      • myList.add(‘Navin’);
      • myList = new List<String>{ ‘Navin’, ‘Aryan’ };
    • Duplicate means?
      • myList.add(‘Navin’);
      • myList.add(‘Aryan’);
      • myList.add(‘Navin’);
      • Here the size of LIST is 3. We can get this by myList .size()
      • At index 0, myList[0] = we get Navin
      • At index 1, myList[1] = we get Aryan
      • At index 2, myList[2] = we get Navin
  • Set: Set simply called collection of Unique values and cannot be sort.
    • Create new SET.
      • Set<String> mySet = new Set<String>();
    • Add into Set.
      • mySet .add(‘Navin’);
      • mySet = new mySet <String>{ ‘Navin’, ‘Aryan’ };
    • Unique means?
      • mySet.add(‘Navin’);
      • mySet.add(‘Aryan’);
      • mySet.add(‘Navin’);
      • Here the size of SET is 2. We can get this by mySet .size()
      • We can check “if(mySet .contains(‘Navin’)){ system.debug(‘mySet=>’+ mySet.size())}”. Which shows answer is “mySet=>2″
  • Map: Maps are collections of key-value pairs, where the keys is Unique.
    • Create new Map.
      • Map<Integer,String> employeeAddresses = new Map<Integer,String>();
      • Integer is KEY and it is unique.
      • String is VALUE.
      • Example : School Bag(Unique) with same and different book and copy(Not Unique).
    • Add into Map.
      • employeeAddresses.put (1, ‘123 Sunny Drive, San Francisco, CA’)
    •  Unique means?
      • employeeAddresses.put (1, ‘456 Dark Drive, San Francisco, CA’);
      • employeeAddresses.put (2, ‘456 Dark Drive, San Francisco, CA’);
      • employeeAddresses.put (1, ‘222 White Drive, San Francisco, CA’);
      • Here the size of MAP is 2. We can get this by employeeAddresses.size()
      • We can check “if(employeeAddresses .containsKey(‘1′)){ system.debug(’employeeAddresses =>’+ employeeAddresses .get(‘1’))}”. Which shows answer is “employeeAddresses =>222 White Drive, San Francisco, CA”
      • Here we can see 1 that is key and can override with last value i.e. “222 White Drive, San Francisco, CA” not “456 Dark Drive, San Francisco, CA”.


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